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Nuestra firma a través del servicio de revisoría fiscal, le ofrece el dictamen de sus estados financieros bajo normas colombianas o NIIF, la verificación de su sistema de control interno y el cumplimiento de las disposiciones legales y estatutarias de su empresa.


Asesoría Jurídica


Hoy en día las empresas no pueden tener varios asesores legales en las diferentes áreas del derecho por altos costos de mantener varios asesores externos a la vez. Teniendo en cuenta eso nuestra firma ha desarrollado un producto que brinda asesoramiento permanente integrando las áreas neurálgicas que una empresa necesita tales como: Derecho Societario, derecho comercial, estatuto al consumidor, laboral y derecho cambiario, por lo tanto lo invitamos a conocer más acerca de este servicio.



Asesoría Jurídica

AComprehensive Legal Advisory Services

Nowadays it is difficult for companies to have several counsels to advice on different legal matters due to the high costs arising from this service.   With this situation in mind, our Firm has developed a product that provides ongoing advisory, incorporating the legal areas most needed by companies, such as corporate law, business law, consumer law, labor law and foreign exchange law. Please feel free to ask for more information on this topic.  (más…)

Revisoría fiscal

Business & Outsourcing Services

We are the strategic ally your organization needs to outsource your accounting, payroll, and portfolio services. Thus, your organization can focus on its core business, having the opportunity to generate competitive advantages by concentrating all its attention, efforts, and resources in the most impacting activities.  (más…)




Consultoria Tributaria

Tax Consultancy Services

It has been our main raison d’être since the inception of our Firm. Tower Consulting has been well known by its expertise and knowledge in tax-related matters, gathered over 28 years of business activity and underpinned by the professional profile of our President and founding partner Mr. Camilo Torres Romero. We invite you to learn more about our tax consultancy services.  (más…)

Revisoría fiscal

Tax Litigation

Day after day, the National Tax Administration and the Local Tax Authorities apply more pressure on taxpayers through tax audit proceedings seeking to obtain more revenue for the Government. For this reason, companies require the accompaniment of a tax expert, who will enforce the protection rights as taxpayer and will prevent the company from paying more than stated by law. We encourage you to learn further about a service that may be very useful. (más…)